
Tag Archives: style

It’s a fact: African fashion is becoming more part of the worldwide fashion. At least, international public personalities are wearing African, which includes personalities with African origin and also non-Africans. Take rapper Eve for example, who made an appearance wearing an African printed tunic. The reason for this worldwide expansion is that African fashion, such as Ankara(African wax) and other cultural attire are designed in western styles combined with for example an African head wrap. African fashion has proven to be more versatile especially within the last 5 years. Not to forget, African designers and African collections who are upcoming, such as Mina Evans, Wana Sambo, Boxing Kitten, Christie Brown and more. Discover the looks of international personalities who wear African.  Read More

As we know, fashion is continuously changing. Being fashion forward or being fashion trendy (which means you buy all that is to-date), is not a bad thing at all. Yet for some it is hard to upkeep. In the midst of all these changes and new fashion inventions, we wondered: what are the classic fashion pieces that go with anything? We gathered a group of fashionistas to advice even the simplest women on how to keep a timeless look and we fetched some good answers on that one. The following 10 items, you just can’t afford not to have in your closet.  Read More

Braids have always been a part of our African culture. Think of it, there is probably no way where you can come from a trip to the Motherland without having done the good corn rolls or the twisted braids that have a length to your behind. That’s when everyone who has not seen you in a while can see that you are back from the Motherland. A trending topic is that the braids are back to the mainstream! It has been a while since the video I got five on it by Luniz was produced, which had them dancers wearing the long braids or the Salt n Pepa videos from the 90’s. Plus it has been a while since we have seen Brandy with them tiny braids. When we see it now in the popular videos, it’s back in the mainstream. Now it has.

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The MArni for H&M collection hit the H&M stores yesterday. There is an earlier post about Marni and how this collection had African textiles combined in it. Do you wonder how It went? I do to. The following question always arises whenever a designer launches a collection for H&M: Does this designer do it like Cavalli did? This collection actually had especially women waiting at sharp time in the morning behind the door of H&M. The Sales went crazy. Read More

ABINA always keeps an eye open for style. As a matter of fact, when style is spotted, we don’t hesitate to take a camera and SNAP! Style is must be captured always. This time we spotted a few fashionista’s of color who manage a style of creativity and who manage to keep a unique style. Once our eye spots a fashionista, we don’t hesitate to ask who they are and what inspires them the most. Besides, style should be captured at best. May you inspired by the images of our African fashionistas ;).

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